Despite the evolution of the sewing industry where machines have overtaken, hand sewing is still necessary. To a point where machines cannot sew, hands are relied upon, conducting repairs and undertaking small projects. Therefore, hand sewing is a technique almost everyone should be equipped with. Sewing with a needle and thread is more preferable by fashion due to the precision and ability to achieve a particular result. Below are comprehensive steps on sewing with needle and thread, tips, and the importance of hand sewing.
Materials needed in sewing.
There are certain basic materials that you need to have before you start sewing with a needle and thread. Ensure you have these in your working area.
– Pair of scissors.
– Spool of thread.
– Sewing needle.
– Fabrics to be sewed together.
Steps of sewing with needle and thread.
When you want to start your hand sewing, there are precise steps that you need to follow to accomplish that. Below are the steps on how to sew with a needle and thread.
Step 1: Unraveling the thread.
– Take your spool of thread and start unraveling the thread from the spool. According to the project you are undertaking, pull out enough length to cover the project without being cut short during sewing. Cut the thread from the spool using the scissors.
Step 2: Threading the needle.
– This can be achieved by threading the eye of the needle with a single thread or a double thread. Just like many people prefer using double thread, so are users of single threading. Below are both ways of threading.
Single thread.
– Pull the strand or tread just a few inches near the eye of the needle so that the eye of the needle is just a few inches from the end. Ensure to cut an inch of the thread to make the end clear and sharp and pass it through the eye of the needle. Let one side be a little longer than the other and tie a knot on its longer side. Hold on the shorter bit while sewing to prevent it from slipping through the eye.
Double thread.
– Fold the thread into a half and put the two ends of the threads close together. Dampen the ends to make them stick together and pass them through the eye of the needle. With a little moisture, the threads do not run out of place and they are easy to thread in the needle.
– Tie a Knot at the end of the thread, 2 to 3 times, to ensure it is nice and secure.
Step 3: Begin sewing.
– Take the fabric that you need sewn together and push the needle through where you wanted to start sewing. Make sure that you are not sewing at the edge of the fabric, rather than a centimeter away.
– Pull the thread on the opposite side until the knot you had tied at the end.
Step 4: Carry on with Sewing.
– Put back the sewing needle through the fabric right beside the spot where it went through. Maintain a distance of half a centimeter apart and pull it through until it gets to the end of the thread. The needle being on the other side, repeat the process back on back through the spot besides which you came out of.
Step 5: Tie the final knot.
– Remain sewing the fabric back and forth until you are almost at the end of your project. Keep the stitches small with the same length that keeps them apart. Tie a knot 2 or 3 times when you get to the end of the project to ensure that sewing is secure.
Step 6: Final cut.
– After tying the knots from the fabric, cut the thread from the fabric. Do not cut too close to compromising the knots.
Tips for hand sewing needles.
Before you begin with your hand sewing, there are important tips that you should note to make basic sewing as easy and smooth as possible. Among the tips are:
– Choose the right needle for your sewing project.
Besides hand sewing, people mostly use machines to carry them through sewing. However, the needles used are not of the same size and type. Therefore, be keen on the needle you are using, mostly hand sewing range from 1-12.
– Use the right thread for the right fabric.
For your project to look presentable, use the right thread. Be on the knowledge of the right thread for the fabric to be sewn for smooth work. Also, let the color of your thread match that of the fabric.
– Ironing the fabric before and after sewing.
Despite having more precise fabric measurement after ironing, it also presses your sewing project giving it a more professional and polished look.
– Place tissue paper under a slippy fabric.
When hand sewing a slippy fabric, you may not achieve the correct measurement due to slipping. Use a tissue paper alongside to provide the grip required for easier and faster sewing.
– Run thread through the wax.
At times, the threads tangle making them hard to untangle for easier folding them. Run the thread through the wax to keep them tangle-free while the insertion is easier.
Importance of hand sewing.
It is inexpensive – since you do not need money to start your sewing business by buying machines. By getting yourself a needle, thread, and scissors, you are going to go.
It is quiet – Unlike a sewing machine that makes so much noise which is uncomfortable, hand sewing is quiet and can keep you working for a couple of hours. You enjoy it without disturbing others.
It improves your coordination skills – that is, since it requires patience, focus, and dedication, you can gain a skill of coordination which many people lack in life.
It is portable – due to how flexible and convenient it is to sew by hand, you can carry your fabric anywhere and start sewing at any time.
Relaxing and therapeutic – due to the mind requiring coordination and working in harmony, it eliminates stress. The activity is related to better blood pressure and heart rate.
Sewing with a needle and thread is a useful skill that everyone should consider learning. Although many do not term it as the most fun to do, it can help you improve your home decor, fashion and so much more. Learn how to sew with a needle and thread and soon enough the skills will come in hand. Thanks to this article, you now know how to.